2 HOUR ~ One-on-One Personal Consultation with Laurence

Personal One-on-One Consultation with Laurence. Learn how the strategy of consistent winning can change your investment, your success and your prosperity.

Learn the MINDSET of an Investor and WIN!

E Laurence Bake

Best Selling Author and Researcher.

E. Laurence Bake

(Best selling author, researcher, musician, composer)

While working on a new book outlining THE NATURAL LAWS OF INVESTING in the Global Financial Markets, Laurence began using the game of Baccarat as a way testing the principles contained in his new book. Little did he realize then that Baccarat would become a whole new field of research and fascination for him as a creative writer.

But it did and before long he realized that something was missing. No book on the subject, no previous studies answered the big, vitally important questions about this ancient game.

He had to know, “Where there any actual, reliable principles that could be observed “governing” the game itself.” He reasoned that “luck” had no place in the world of research and discovery. One could only depend on observable, provable FACTS if the big questions were to be answered.

Frustrated and confused, after endless months of failed attempts to isolate the most important, foundational principles, he had a thought: “For the game to exist there must be some form of ENERGY at work.” And who (he wondered) could he go to – who was the genius on the subject of energy? Well, that was not hard to figure out. Nikola Tesla, was that person.

And that is exactly what he did, He went to Tesla’s research and discoveries on the subject of energy, how it moved and flowed, how it was transformed and distributed through and closed system, etc.

The rest, as they say, is history. Laurence studied the necessary parts of Tesla’s work on energy, combined this with his own discoveries relating to The Natural Laws Of Investing and suddenly, BACCARAT MAGIC. Every last question that Laurence raised could finally be answered, simply and factually. What is more, each answer could be observed, proven and demonstrated to be accurate mathematically.

And the biggest question of all was, “Could the game of Baccarat be beaten?”

Could a skilled player be consistently profitable? And aftera thousand tests, and as many in game trials Laurence’s conclusion was YES! Yes, the game itself has limitations, it has patterns built into the game, patterns that Tesla understood, and that no casino can change or alter in any way. And so Laurence wrote, “ANY PATTERN THAT CAN BE SEEN AS RELIABLE CAN BE CAPITALIZED ON.”

And thus the seeds of DRAGON SLAYER were planted. And they would grow into the course that you see today.

“It just took the brilliance of a Nikola Tesla to help solve the mysteries hidden deep within the game itself.”

And now you can listen to Laurence share this knowledge and his findings with you personally.

Schedule Consultation with Laurence